Welsh Tartan Options for Kilts

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Below is the list of Welsh Tartan’s available for our Kilt line!

Davies / Davis, Edwards, Ellis / Bellis, Evans / Bevan, Eynon / Beynon, Griffiths, Harry Potter, Hopkins, Howells / Powell, Hughes / Pugh, James, Jenkins, Jones, Lewis, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Madoc, Meredith, Morgan, Morris, Owen / Bowen, Phillips, Pope, Powys County, Prince of Wales, Protheroe, Rees / Preece, Rice / Price, Richards / Pritchard, Roberts / Probert, Rosser / Prosser, Spirit of Glyndwr Gold, Spirit of Glyndwr Red, Spirit of Glyndwr Grey, St Davids Welsh National, Thomas, Vaughan, Watkins / Walters, Williams, Wynn / Gwyn


Celtic Attic new product lines announced

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Celtic attic has been proudly creating, importing and selling Celtic gifts and jewelry for 20 years. We are so honored to be a part of sharing our Celtic and viking heritage with all our customers, family & friends. Now it is our turn to give back. We have introduced 3 new product lines made by the Celtic Attic family. Each line donates a 5% portion of proceeds to charity. Just our way of saying Thank You for sharing our journey these past years.

The Collections are:

Celtic Angel Wings in honor of my mother, Shirley Olsen who was my best friend and my inspiration to live my Magical Life. She always told me all things are possible and there is always a bright side, you just have to uncover your eyes and hope. We lost my mom to Alzheimer’s in 2003, so she gets to see this chapter of our business from the heaven’s above.

We have all heard the saying when bells ring another angel gets her wings. This product line is dedicated to my dear mum. She left this earth many years ago and watches over us each and every day. I created the chimes lines to honor her memory as she was truly my best friend and my angel. She gave the darkness light and made the light sparkle. Each time your chime touches the air listen closely as it may be a dear one wishing you grace or sending love to this place.

Celtic Seaside Escape Jewelry because I am drawn to the ocean and all sea creatures and just love the fusion of Celtic and Sea Life It is calming and so simply basic. We have a variety of Jewelry and each piece has a story of inspiration. I have noted the path to create these pieces for you to read and hopefully enjoy.

CeltaPhysical Art is dedicated to my grandchildren for blessing my life and showing me things through those innocent eyes that we seem to close to world as we grow up. In particular this line is inspired by my eldest grandson, Sammy who at this writing is 4 years old. He had a tough beginning and still struggles but makes progress each day. One sunny day shortly after he came to live with me, we were outside and I just was overwhelmed and thought what the hell am I doing.

Just give me a break crossed my mind and all of a sudden we were swarmed by Lady Bugs. They were everywhere, hundreds of them. Sammy was scared and then started to giggle. I thought wow, life is funny and amazing and I want to share this feeling with everyone I encounter. So I began taking photographs and turning them into my version of Art.

Please also visit yourpathinlife.com for more unique art products.

car chimes
car chimes
sm windchimes
sm windchimes
rock pendants
rock pendants

Magic and More

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chakra rune
Chakras – you can shop on our website for some great Chakra Jewelry.

1st Chakra – RED

    • Organs:  Physical Body Support;  base of spine; legs, bones, feet, rectum & immune system.
    • Mental/Emotional:  Safety & security; ability to stand up for one-self, feeling at home.
    • Physical Problems:  Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, depression & immune disorders

2nd Chakra – ORANGE

      • Organs:  Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder & hips.
      • Mental/Emotional:  Blame & guilt, money & sex, power & control, creativity, ethics & honor in relationships.
      • Physical Problems:  Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, ob-gyn problems, pelvic/low back pain, sexual potency & urinary problems.

3rd Chakra – YELLOW

    • Organs:  Abdomen, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen & middle spine.
    • Mental/Emotional:  Trust, fear & intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of others, sensitivity to criticism & personal honor.
    • Physical Problems:  Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis/diabetes, indigestion, anorexia or bulimia, liver dysfunction, hepatitis & adrenal dysfunction.

4th Chakra – GREEN

    • Organs:  Heart & circulatory system, lungs, shoulders & arms, ribs/breast, diaphragm & thymus gland.
    • Mental/Emotional:  Love & hatred, resentment & bitterness, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness & commitment, forgiveness & compassion, hope & trust.
    • Physical Problems:  Congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapsed, asthma/allergy, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, upper back, shoulder & breast cancer.

5th Chakra – BLUE

    • Organs: Throat, thyroid, trachea, neck vertebra, mouth, teeth & gums, esophagus, parathyroid & hypothalamus.
    • Mental/Emotional:  Choice of strength of will, personal expression, following one’s dreams, using personal power to create, addiction, judgment & criticism, faith & knowledge.
    • Physical Problems:  Raspy throat, chronic sore throats, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, tempomandibular joint problems, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands & thyroid problems.
  • 6th Chakra – PURPLE
    • Organs:  Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pineal gland & pituitary gland.
    • Mental/Emotional:  Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to ideas of others, ability to learn from experiences & emotional intelligence.
    • Physical Problems:  Brain tumor/hemorrhage/stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness/deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities & seizures.
  • 7th Chakra – WHITE
    • Organs:  Muscular system, skeletal system & skin.
    • Mental/Emotional:  Ability to trust life, values, ethics & courage, humanitarianism, selfishness, ability to see larger picture, faith & inspiration, spirituality & devotion.
    • Physical Problems:  Paralysis, genetic disorders, bone cancer, multiple sclerosis.

* Anatomy of the Spirit:   The seven stages of power and healing by Caroline Myss, Ph.D., 1996

Magickal Garden – Shop some amazing jewelry to find your inner magic.
Create your own Magickal garden.  Nothing fancy, you just have to know what to plant that will help you in your daily life.  Even works in small spaces.  Remember to check your local nursery for the best time to plant and what grows best in your area of the world:

  • To improve psychic powers – plant a bay tree, honeysuckle, marigolds, roses or thyme.
  • A loving household – plant gardenia, primrose, spearmint, tomato, pansy, jasmine or catnip.  If you have room for trees, try:  cherry, apple, orange, maple or willow.
  • To ensure happiness in the home – fill a window box with hyacinth, lavender, Marjoram, catnip or morning glory.
  • If money is a problem – plant mint, onion, snapdragon, camellia, chamomile, clover, dill, basil or wheat.  If you have room for trees, try:  pine, oak, ash, apple or banana trees.
  • To ward off theft – plant garlic, cumin, thistles, aspen, cactus or junipers around the perimeter of your house.
  • General luck – bamboo, hydrangea and sunflower near the house helps..
  • Try to always put a GUARDIAN in your garden.  I have an Angel, but whatever you like will work.   Another great idea is a gazing globe (you know those big glass spheres), this is a larger kind of witch ball and will protect your garden.


Moon Phases

The Moon has many phases.  Each has its own meaning.

New Moon ~ Begin banishing and negative works several hours before the New Moon and positive works several hours after the new Moon.
Waxing Moon ~ We call on the Goddess as the Maiden and begin new projects.
Full Moon ~ We worship the Goddess as Mother and perform positive works.
Waning Moon ~ We call on the Goddess as Crone and work banishing of negative energies.

Each Full Moon has a different meaning and Magickal purpose.  The Full Moon is a traditional time for divination’s of all kinds.

November ~ Snow Moon: Plan for a ritual to work on ridding yourself of negative thoughts and vibrations.
December ~ Oak Moon: Plan for a ritual to help you remain steadfast in your convictions.
January ~ Wolf Moon: Plan a ritual of protection around your home and family.
February ~ Storm Moon: Plan a ritual to ask the Old Ones for help in planning your future.
March ~ Chaste Moon: Plan a ritual to help fulfill your wishes is appropriate.
April ~ Seed Moon: Plan a ritual to physically plant your seeds of desire in Mother Earth.
May ~ Hare Moon: Plan a ritual to reaffirm your goals.
June ~ Dyad Moon: Plan a ritual to balance your spiritual and physical desires.
July ~ Mead Moon: Plan a ritual to decide what you will do once your goals have been met.
August ~ Wort Moon: Plan a ritual to preserve what you already have.
September ~ Barley Moon: Plan a ritual of Thanksgiving for all the Old Ones have given you.
October ~ Blood Moon: Plan a ritual to remember those who have passed from this world, and be sure to make an offering to them.

  • 111 Energy flow * Enhancing whatever level you are in presently *
  • 222 Resurrection and ascension process.
  • 333 Decision number * Either directs you into a phase of 999 completion, or negatively, it puts you in the 666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension *
  • 444 This is an actual resurrection number * You have just completed an important phase *
  • 555 Experiencing the energy or a level of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS
    * Very significant *
  • 666 Material world * Third-dimensional frequency * Denseness *
  • 777 Symbolizes an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the Third-dimensional plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane*
  • 888 Symbolizes infinity * The unified spiral of the physical merging with the Spiritual * Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444.
  • 999 Symbolizes the three levels of the triune * Completion *
  • 000 GREAT VOID * Experiencing a NULL ZONE * Switching or moving into a new Energy Field *
  • 10:10 Moving into a new beginning 1(one) – and moving into the pattern of the Great Void 0(zero) – or a much higher resonance or frequency of Spirit.
  • 11:11 Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequency of experience * A PORTAL WAY OPENING *
  • 12:12 A COSMIC CONNECTION * A bridge to the future * Signifies a level of completion or graduation*
  • Smooth Skin—refined nature, virility, energy.
  • Broad Hands—strength rather than culture.
  • Pointed Fingers—artistic.
  • Round/Flat Fingers—outdoor type.
  • Knotted Hands—mind for philosophy.
  • Long Center Bone in Thumb—great reasoning powers.
  • Short Top Bone in Thumb—little will power.
  • Square Hands—practicality.
  • Long Hands—gentle and idealistic.
  • Life Line High on Hand—ambition.
  • Life Line Circling into Palm—generosity.
  • Broken Head Line—poor health.
  • Head and Heart Line Join—impulsiveness.
  • Heart Lines Crosses Palm Entirely—sentimentality.
  • Short Heart Line—short-lived relationships.
  • Full Fate Line—success, charisma.
  • Fate Line Stopped at Head Line—-obstacles to overcome.
Spirit Guides – shop for great artwork that can help ignite your search for your life’s purpose.
  • You need faith to communicate with your Spirit Guides.
  • Patience is a virtue.
  • Preparation – Clear the stress and chaos from your mind and spirit.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice.
    • Find a space and time where you will not be interrupted.  Start preparing about 1/2 before you actually start your meditation.
    • You can be very casual and just find a comfortable chair or you can make it a ceremony.  Sage and Cleanse your area.
    • Now that the formalities are out of the way:   Close your eyes and imagine your self surrounded by a warm golden light.   Relax your breathing.  Breathe in the golden light and breath out all your stress and anxiety.  Ask your spirit guide to help with your relaxation.
    • Keep your questions to your spirit guide simple to begin with.  As you grow in your understanding and meditation practices you can start asking more complex questions and seeking additional knowledge.
    • Remember to keep a journal and write down everything you see, hear and feel.  It does not have to make sense because the answers will manifest later.

Healthy Living Tips

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Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt
  • Relieve tension fast
    • Apply increasing pressure to the tendon under the ankle.  Hold for 2 minutes.  This acupressure point affects high tension areas all over the body.
  • Ease hand cramps
    • To restore circulation after spending hours as a keyboard, try this:  Separate and stretch fingers until you feel tension; hold for 10 seconds.  Then bend at the knuckles and hold; repeat, breathing deeply as you stretch.
  • Great Morning boost
    • If you’re groggy in the morning, try taking 12 long exhalations, adding an “eh” sound to each breath.  Keep your jaw relaxed and allow the sound to be natural.  This deep-breathing exercise re-energizes the body.  Repeat whenever you need a boost.
  • Itchy scalp relief
    • Rinse scalp with apple cider vinegar.  It will relieve the itch and remove the buildup from hair.
  • Sore Muscles
    • Cayenne Pepper is an instant healer of sore muscles and a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Speed Healing
    • Pressing the reflex point between the ankle bones and the Achilles tendon will help relieve back pain temporarily.  Hold for two minutes while breathing deeply.
  • Curing a Headache:
    • Concentrate all your thought on where the pain is and chant three times: “Tame this  flesh and blood, as our lady tames the lion.”  This is a good spell because it can be done anytime, anywhere.
  • Drink a cup of Ginger Tea
    • to get you going at work mid-morning or mid-day.  submitted by Shirley.
  • End hunger pains:
    • enjoy a cup of calorie free fennel tea.  It is a muscle relaxant.
  • Cancer Risk Assessment
    • (most accurate results for people over 40)
  • Protect your heart:
    • The herb Hawthorne contains compounds that help reduce blood cholesterol levels and bring down high blood pressure.  Take an extract of 100mg to 200mg, three times a day (ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST)
  • Gas Stopper:
    •  Drink a cup of fennel or peppermint tea two or three times per day.
  • Soothe your Stomach
    • Lavender helps heal mild stomach upsets.  Try a warm cup of Lavender tea.
  • Stop a nosebleed
    • Place thumb and forefinger on either side of the bridge of the nose and pinch.  Hold.
  • Yeast Infections
    • Evening Primrose and Flaxseed Oil both contain fatty acids that help control the growth of yeast.  If you use the Evening Primrose Oil (old wives tale is it helps induce labor – been there done that – THIS STUFF TASTES NASTY), take it with food or a strong  smelling liquid to mask the smell and taste.
  • Sleep Sappers:
    • Caffeine:  Coffee, Tea, Cola, Chocolate are stimulants that can interfere with sleep.
    • Alcohol:  Might make you drowsy, but it will be a restless sleep and you might wake up drowsy.
    • Spicy Foods:  Can cause heartburn or indigestion which can keep you awake at night.
  • Prevent Back Pain while driving
    • In the car the vibrations from movement can cause havoc on the lower back.  To ease pressure, move the seat forward so that your feet reach the pedals without stretching.
  • Chew away heartburn
    • Chewing a piece of gum will stimulate the production of saliva which neutralizes stomach acid.

Check out our blog

We have some great bath products available for your shopping pleasure.

Herb Meanings and Recipes

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Try our Herbal Bath Salts & Herbal Teas!

  • Courage – columbine, thyme, tonka, yarrow.
  • Friendship – lemon, passion flower, sweetpea.
  • General blessing – acacia, hyssop, moonflower, orris root, rosemary.
  • Happiness – catnip, celandine, hyacinth,   marjoram, meadowsweet, saffron, St. John’s wort.
  • Healing – allspice, angelica, apple, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, gardenia, lemon balm, peppermint, sandalwood, willow.
  • Love – aster, basil, catnip, chamomile, clove, coriander, ginger, juniper, lavender, lemon verbena, orris, rose, rosemary.
  • Money – alfalfa, almond, cinnamon, clove, corn, ginger,  honeysuckle,  marjoram, nutmeg, orange bergamot, sassafras, sesame.
  • Protection – anise, bay, calamus, caraway, chrysanthemum, clover, dill, elder, fennel, frankincense, garlic, mistletoe, myrrh, parsley, pepper, pine, rosemary, spanish moss.
  • Psychic awareness –  citron, flax,  lemon grass, mace mugwort, rose, star anise, yarrow,  thyme, yarrow, yerba santa.
  • Purification – anise, bay, benzoin, cedar, copal, hyssop, lavender, lemon, lemon verbena, peppermint, pepper tree, rosemary, vervain.
  • Spirituality – frankincense, gardenia, gum arabic, myrrh, sandalwood, sweet grass, wood aloe.
  • Oils can help with everyday situations:
    • Cinnamon oil – perk you up
    • All Spice – perk you up
    • Rose Oil – love
    • Rose Geranium Oil – courage

– Acacia: Good for Protection and Increases Psychic Powers.
– Adam & Eve Root: Bring about Love and Happiness.
– Adder’s Tongue: Good for Healing.
– African Violet: Increases Spirituality and Protection.
– Agaric: Increases Fertility.
– Agrimony: Works well for Protection, Induces Sleep.
– Ague Root: Good for Protection.
– Alfalfa: Excellent for Protection against Hunger and Poverty. Good for Prosperity and Money Spells. It is also said that it works to attract Animal Spirits.
– Alkanet: Works well for Spells of Purification and Prosperity.
– Allspice: This is an Excellent Luck Herb. Use in Money and Healing Spells.
– Almond: Good for Money, and Prosperity Spells. Increases Wisdom.
– Aloe: Excellent for Protection and Luck.
– Aloes, Wood: Excellent for Love and Spirituality Spells.
– Althea: This Herb works well for Protection and Increasing Psychic Powers.
– Alyssum: Use for Protection and Moderating Anger.
– Amaranth: Healing, Protection, Invisibility.
– Anemone: For Health, Protection, and Healing
– Angelica: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions.
– Angelica Root: Excellent for Healing, Protection and Gambling Luck Spells.
– Apple: For Love, Healing, Garden Magic, and Immortality Spells.
– Apricot: For Use in Love Spells.
– Arabic Gum: Purify Negativity and Evil. Increases Good Vibration, Purification and Protection.
– Arbutus: For Use in Exorcism and Protection Spells.
– Asafoetida: Use for Exorcism, Purification, and Protection Spells.
– Ash: Excellent for Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health.
– Aspen: This Herb aids in Eloquence, and Protects against Theft.
– Aster: For Use in Love Spells.
– Avens: For Use in Exorcism, Purification, and Love Spells.
– Avocado: Use for Love, Lust, and Beauty Spells.
– Bachelor’s Buttons: Use for Love Spells.
– Balm, Lemon: Excellent for Love, Success, and Healing Spells.
– Balm of Gilead: Use this for Love, Manifestations, Protection, and Healing Spells.
– Bamboo: Excellent for Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, and Wishes.
– Banana: Use for Fertility, Potency, and Prosperity.
– Banyan: Good for Luck.
– Barley: Good for Love, Healing, and Protection Spells.
– Basil: Excellent for Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection and Sympathy Spells.
– Bay: Powerful Herb for Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength. You can Write your Wishes/Prayers on a Bay Leaf for Spells.
– Bayberry Tree Bark: Good for Wishing, Money, Success and Happiness.
– Bean: Use for Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliations, Potency, and Love Spells.
– Bedstraw/Fragrant: Use for Love Spells.
– Beech: Use for Wishes.
– Beet: Use for Love Spells.
– Benzoin: For Purification and Prosperity.
– Bergamot/Orange: Use for Money Spells.
– Be-Still: Brings Luck.
– Betony/wood: Use for Protection, Purification, and Love.
– Birch: Use for Protection, Purification, and Love.
– Bistort: Increases Psychic Powers, and Fertility.
– Bittersweet: Works well for Protection and Healing.
– Blackberry: Healing, Money, Protection.
– Black Cohosh: Use for Relationships, Balanced Sexual Energies, Sleep.
– Black Malve Flowers: Perfect for Protection.
– Bladderwrack (Seaweed): Excellent for Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, and Psychic Powers.
– Bleeding Heart: For Use in Love Spells.
– Blessed Thistle: Good for Purification, Protection from Evil, and Hex-Breaking.
– Bloodroot: Use for Love, Protection, and Purification.
– Bluebell: Good for Luck and Truth.
– Blueberry: For Protection.
– Blue Flag: For Money Spells.
– Bodhi: Use for Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, and Meditation.
– Boneset: Good for Protection and Exorcism.
– Borage: Increases Courage and Psychic Powers.
– Bracken: Use for Healing, Rune Magic and Prophetic Dreams.
– Brazil Nut: For Use in Love Spells.
– Briony: For Use in Image Magic. Good for Money and Protection Spells.
– Bromeliad: Protection, Money.
– Broom: Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination.
– Buchu: Increases Psychic Powers, Enables Prophetic Dreams.
– Buck Eye: Very Lucky. Works for Money, Wealth, and Divination.
– Buckthorn Bark: Use for Protection, Exorcism, Wishes and Legal Matters.
– Buckwheat: Money, Protection.
– Burdock: For Use in Protection and Healing Spells.
– Cabbage: For Use in Luck Spells.
– Cactus: Use for Protection, Chastity.
– Calamus: Good for Luck, Healing, Money, and Protection.
– Calendula Flowers (Marigold Flowers): Good for Protection, Legal Matters, and increases Psychic Powers.
– Camellia: Increases Riches.
– Camphor: Good for Chastity, Health, and Divination.
– Canada Snake Root: Excellent for Protection, Luck and Money Spells.
– Caper: Increases Potency, Lust, and Luck.
– Caraway: Good for Protection, Lust, Health. Protects against Theft. Increases Mental Powers.
– Cardamon: Use for Lust, and Love.
– Carnation: Protection, Strength, Healing.
– Carob: For Protection and Health.
– Carrot: Increases Fertility, Lust.
– Cascara Sagrada: Works well for Legal Matters, Money, and Protection.
– Cashew: Use in Money Spells
– Castor: Use for Protection.
– Catnip: Good for Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness. It is believed that when given to Cats, it will create a Psychic Bond between You and Them.
– Cat-tail: Lust.
– Cedar: Good for Healing, Purification, Money, and Protection.
– Celandine: Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters.
– Celery: For Mental Powers, Lust, and Psychic Powers.
– Centaury: Snake Removing.
– Chamomile: Excellent for Money, Sleep, Love, and Purification.
– Cherry: Use for Love Spells and Divination.
– Chestnut: For Love Spells.
– Chickweed: Good for Fertility and Love.
– Chicory: Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, Favors, Frigidity.
– Chili Pepper: Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love.
– China Berry: For Luck Spells.
– Chrysanthemum: Use for Protection.
– Cinchona: Use for Protection.
– Cinnamon: Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, and Love.
– Cinquefoil: Use for Money and Protection Spells, Prophetic Dreams and Sleep.
– Citron: Increases Psychic Powers. Good for Healing.
– Cloth of Gold: For Use in Understanding Animal Languages.
– Clove: Good for Protection, Exorcism, Love and Money Spells.
– Clover: Use for Protection, Money, Love, Fideltiy, Exorcism and Success.
– Club Moss: For Protection and Power.
– Coconut: Works well for Purification Rituals, Protection and Chastity.
– Cohosh, Black: Love, Courage, Protection, Potency.
– Cohosh, Black: For Love and Visions.
– Columbine: Good for Courage and Love Spells.
– Comfrey: Safety during Travel, Money Drawing.
– Copal: Love and Purification.
– Copal Resin (White): Fantastic for Love, Purification and Spirituality.
– Coriander: Use for Love, Health, and Healing Spells.
– Corn: Use for Protection, Luck and Divination.
– Corn Flowers (Blue/Yellow): For Protection, Luck, Fertility and Divination.
– Cotton: For Use in Luck, Healing, Protection and Rain Spells. Fishing Magick.
– Cowslip: Healing, Youth, Treasure Finding.
– Crocus: For Love and Visions.
– Cubeb: Use for Love Spells.
– Cuckoo-Flower: For Fertility and Love.
– Cucumber: Chastity, Healing and Fertility
– Cumin: Protection, Fidelity and Exorcism.
– Curry: Use for Protection.
– Cyclamen: Good for Fertility, Protection, Happiness and Lust Spells.
– Cypress: For Longevity, Healing, Comfort, Protection.
– Daffodil:
Use for Luck, Fertility, and Lust.
– Daisy: For Use in Lust and Luck Spells.
– Damiana Leaf: Good for Lust and Love. Burn to Produce Visions.
– Dandelion Leaf or Root: Excellent for Divination, Wishes and Calling Spirits.
– Datura: Hex-Breaking, Sleep and Protection.
– Deerstongue: Increases Psychic Powers. Use for Lust Spells.
– Devil’s Bit: For Exorcism, Love, Protection and Lust Spells.
– Devil’s Shoestring: Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment
– Dill: Protection, Luck, Money and Lust.
– Dittany of Crete: For Inducing Manifestations and Astral Projection
– Dock: For Healing, Money, Fertility.
– Dodder: Love, Divination, Knot Magick.
– Dogbane: Use for Love Spells.
– Dogwood: For Wishes and Protection.
– Dragon’s Blood: For Use in Love, Protection, and Exorcism. Increases Potency of other Items.
– Dulse: For Love and Harmony.
– Dutchman’s Breeches: Use for Love Spells.
– Ebony: For Protection and Power.
– Echinacea: Use to Strengthen Spells.
– Edelweiss: Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing.
– Elder Flowers or Berries: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep. Wear or Carry for Protection. Spirits are Believed to Live within the Elder.
– Elecampane: Increases Psychic Powers. Works well in Love and Protection Spells.
– Elm: For Love Spells.
– Endive: Use in Lust and Love Spells.
– Eryngo: For Traveler’s Luck, Peace, Lust and Love.
– Eucalyptus: Excellent for Healing and Good for Protection.
– Euphorbia: Purification, Protection.
– Eyebright: Increases Mental Powers and Psychic Powers. For Memory, Clears the Mind.
– Fennel: For Protection, Healing, and Purification.
– Fern: Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches, Eternal Youth, Health and Exorcism.
– Feverfew: For Protection.
– Fig: Divination, Love and Fertility.
– Figwort: For Use in Health and Protection Spells.
– Flax: Increases Psychic Powers. Also Works Well in Spells for Money, Protection, Beauty and Healing.
– Foxglove: For Protection.
– Frankincense: Protection, Exorcism, and Spirituality.
– Frankincense Tears: Good for Spirituality, Protection, Exorcism, Removing Negativity, Purification, and Consecration.
– Fumitory: For Money and Exorcism Spells.
– Fuzzy Weed: Love, Hunting.
– Galangal: Protection, Lust, Health, Money, Hex-Breaking. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Gardenia: For Love, Peace, Healing, Spritiuality.
– Garlic: Protection, Healing, Exorcism, and Lust. Protects against Theft.
– Gantian: Love and Power.
– Geranium: Fertility, Health, Love and Protection.
– Ginger Root: For Love, Money, Success and Power.
– Ginseng: Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, and Lust.
– Glove Amaranth (Purple): For Healing, Protection, and Invisibility.
– Goat’s Rue: Health and Healing.
– Goldenrod: Excellent for Money Spells and Divination.
– Golden Seal: For Healing and Money.
– Gorse: For Protection and Money.
– Gota Kola: Burn for Meditation.
– Gourd: For Protection.
– Grain: For Protection.
– Grains of Paradise: Use for Lust, Luck, Love, Money and Wishes.
– Grape: Fertility, Garden Magick, Mental Powers, and Money.
– Grapefruit Peel: Energy, Great Representation of the Sun God.
– Grass: Increases Psychic Powers. Also for Protection.
– Ground Ivy: For Use in Divination.
– Groundsel: Works Well for Health and Healing.
– Hawthorn: For Happiness, Fertility, Chastity, and Fishing Magick.
– Hawthorn Berry: Use for Fertility, Happiness, Anti-Depressive. Sacred to Fairies. Protective against Lightening and Evil Ghosts.
– Hazel: For Luck, Fertility, Protection, Wishes, and Anti-Lightening.
– Heal All: Healing, Money, Gambling, Success, and Luck.
– Heather: Excellent for Protection, Luck and Rain Making and Conjuring Ghosts.
– Heliotrope: For Exorcism, Invisibility, Wealth, Healing, and Prophetic Dreams.
– Hellebore, Black: Protection, However PLEASE NOTE: THIS HERB IS A POISON!!
– Hemlock: Destroy Sexual Drives, However PLEASE NOTE: IS A DEADLY POISON!!
– Hemp: For Use in Healing, Love, Vision, and Meditation.
– Henna: For Healing.
– Hibiscus: Lust, Love, Divination.
– Hickory: For Use in Legal Matters.
– High John the Conqueror: Aids in Money, Love, Success, and Happiness Spells.
– Holly: Use for Protection, Anti-Lightening, Luck, and Dream Magick.
– Honesty: For Money and Repelling Monsters.
– Honeysuckle Flowers: Works for Money and Protection. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Hops Flowers: For Healing and Inducing Restful Sleep.
– Horehound: Excellent for Protection, Exorcism and Healing Spells. Increases Mental Powers. Can be slightly Grounding and Calming.
– Horse Chestnut: For Money and Healing.
– Horseradish: For Use in Purificaton and Exorcism.
– Horsetail: For Snake Charming and Fertility.
– Houseleek: For Luck, Protection, and Love.
– Huckleberry: Use for Luck, Protection, Dream Magick, and Hex-Breaking.
– Hyacinth: Love, Happiness and Protection.
– Hydrangea: For Use in Hex-Breaking Spells.
– Hyssop: Most widely used Purification Herb. Good for Protection.
– Indian Paint Brush: For Love.
– Iris: Use for Purification and Wisdom.
– Irish Moss: An Excellent Herb for Luck. Good for Money and Protection.
– Ivy: For Protection and Healing.
– Jasmine Flowers: For Love and Money. Induces Sleep and Prophetic Dreams.
– Job’s Tears: Powerful for Wishes and Blessings. Great for Luck and Healing. In the Shell: Can be strung for a Necklace. Out of the Shell: Better for Incense Uses.
– Joe-Pye Weed: For Love and Respect.
– Juniper Berries (Red or Blue): Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Health, Exorcism, and Repels Snakes.
– Kava-Kave: Works Well for Visions, Protection and Luck.
– Knotweed: For use in Binding and Health Spells.
– Lady’s Mantle: For Use in Love Spells.
– Lady’s Slipper: For Protection.
– Larch: For Protection and Anti-Theft.
– Larkspur: For Use in Health and Protection Spells.
– Lavender: Love, Protection, Happiness, Peace, Chastity, Purification, Sleep and Longevity.
– Leek: For Love, Protection, and Exorcism.
– Lemon: Longevity, Purification, Love and Friendship.
– Lemon Balm: Excellent for Love, Success, and Healing Spells.
– Lemongrass: To Repel Snakes. Also Increases Psychic Powers. For Lust Spells.
– Lemon Verbena: For Love and Purification. Add to Herbal Mixtures to Increase their Strength.
– Lettuce: For Chastity, Love, Protection and Divination. Induces Sleep.
– Licorice: For Love, Lust and Fidelity.
– Life Everlasting Flowers: For Longevity, Health and Healing.
– Lilac: Use for Exorcism and Protection.
– Lily: Use for Protection and Breaking Love Spells.
– Lily of the Valley: Increases Mental Powers. Works Well for Happiness.
– Lime: Healing, Love and Protection.
– Linden: For Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love and Sleep.
– Liquidamber: For Protection Spells.
– Liverwort: For Protection.
– Looestrife: For Peace and Protection.
– Lotus: For Use in Protection and Lock-Opening.
– Lotus Pods: Protection, Blessings by the Gods/Goddesses, Antidotes to Love Spells.
– Lovage: For Love.
– Love Seed: Use for Love, Friendship and Kinship.
– Lucky Hand Root: Excellent for Employment, Luck, Protection, Money and Travel. Excellent to put in Pouches and Sachets.
– Mace:
Increases Psychic Powers and Mental Powers.
– Maguey: For Lust.
– Magnolia: For Fidelity.
– Mahogany: Mountain, Anti-Lightening.
– Maidenhair: For Beauty and Love Spells.
– Male Fern: For Love and Luck.
– Mallow: For Love, Protection and Exorcism Spells.
– Mandrake: For Protection, Health, Money, Love and Fertility.
– Maple: Longevity, Money and Love.
– Marigold: For Protection and Legal Matters. Increases Psychic Powers. Induces Prophetic Dreams.
– Marjoram: For Protection, Health, Love, Money, and Happiness.
– Master Wort: Excellent for Strength, Courage, and Protection.
– Mastic: For Lust. Increases Psychic Powers and Induces Manifestations.
– May Apple: For Money Spells.
– Meadow Rue: For Divination.
– Meadow Sweet: For Love, Peace, Happiness, and Divination.
– Mesquite: For Healing.
– Mimosa: For Protection, Love and Purification. Induces Prophetic Dreams.
– Mint: For Protection and Strength.
– Mistletoe: Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism.
– Molukka: For Protection.
– Moonwort: For Money and Love.
– Moss: Luck and Money
– Mugwort Leaf: Good for Astral Projection, Healing, Prophetic Dreams Protection, Psychic Powers, and Strength.
– Mullein: Use for Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, and Exorcism.
– Mustard: For Fertility and Protection. Increases Mental Powers.
– Myrrh: For Healing, Protection, Spirituality and Exorcism.
– Myrrh Gum Lumps: Good for Increasing the Power of other Herbs. Also for Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality, Purifications and Lifts Vibrations.
– Myrtle: For Youth, Love, Peace, Fertility and Money.
– Nettle: Excellent for Protection, Healing, Lust, and Exorcism Spells. Remove and Send Back Curses. Protection against Evil and Danger.
– Norfolk Island Pine: For Protection, Specifically Protection against Hunger.
– Nuts: Fertility, Prosperity, Love and Luck.
– Oak: Excellent for Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Fertility, Luck and Potency.
– Oak Moss: Good for Luck, Money, Protection and Strength.
– Oats: For Money.
– Olive: For Workings in Healing, Peace, Fertility, Protection, Lust and Potency.
– Onion: For Protection, Healing, Money, Lust and Exorcism. Induces Prophetic Dreams.
– Orange: Love, Divination, Luck and Money.
– Orchid: For Love.
– Oregon Grape: For Money and Prosperity.
– Orris Root: For Love, Protection and Divination.
– Palm, Date: For Fertility and Potency.
– Pansy: Use for Love, Divination and Rain Magick.
– Papaya: For Love and Protection.
– Papyrus: For Protection.
– Parosela: For Hunting.
– Parsley: For Love, Protection and Purification.
– Passion Flower: For Peace and Friendship. Induces Sleep.
– Patchouli: Use for Money, Lust and Fertility.
– Patchouli Leaf: Good for Breaking any Spell, Attracting Money and Attracting Love.
– Pea: For Money and Love.
– Peach: Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Wishes and Fertility.
– Pear: For Love and Lust.
– Pecan: Use for Money and Employment.
– Pennyroyal: For Use in Workings for Strength, Protection and Peace. Stops Quarrels. Prevents Seasickness.
– Peony: For Protection and Exorcism.
– Pepper: Excellent for Protection and Exorcism.
– Peppermint: For Sleep, Purification, Love and Healing. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Pepper Tree: For Purification, Healing and Protection.
– Periwinkle: Love, Lust, Money and Protection. Increases Mental Powers.
– Persimmon: Changing Sex, Healing and Luck.
– Pimento: For Love.
– Pimpernel: For Protection and Health.
– Pine: Excellent for Healing, Protection, Money, Fertility and Exorcism.
– Pineapple: For Luck, Money and Chastity.
– Pipsissewa: For Money Spells and Calling Spirits.
– Pistachio: For Breaking Love Spells.
– Plantain: Healing, Protection, Strength and Snake Repelling.
– Plot Weed: For Protection.
– Plum: For Healing.
– Plumeria: For Love.
– Poke Root: Carry to increase Courage. Breaks Hexes and Curses.
– Pomegranate: For Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, and Fertility.
– Poplar: For Money and Flying.
– Poppy Seed: For Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, and Invisibility.
– Potato: Image Magick and Healing.
– Prickly Ash: For Love.
– Primrose: For Protection and Love Spells.
– Purslane: For Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection and Happiness.
– Quassia: For Love.
– Quince: For Protection, Love and Happiness.
– Radish: For Protection and Lust.
– Ragweed: For Courage.
– Ragwort: For Protection.
– Raspberry: For Protection and Love.
– Rattlesnake Root: For Protection and Money.
– Rhubarb: For Protection and Fidelity.
– Rice: For Protection, Rain, Fertility and Money.
– Roots: For Protection, Power, and Divination.
– Rose: Love, Healing, Divination, Luck and Protection. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Rose Petals (Pink): Attracts a Divine Love, slightly more Emotional, Slow and ‘Thinking’ Love. Start with this Color to Build a Lasting Relationship.
– Rose Petals (Red): Good for Passionate Love, Heat, Spontaneity, Psychic Powers, Healing, Divination, Luck and Protection. Use to Add some Spark and Heat to a Relationship.
– Rosemary Leaf: Protection, Love, Healing, Youth, Purification, and Exorcism. Induces Sleep. Increases Mental Powers.
– Rowan: For Healing, Protection, Success and Power. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Rue: Healing, Health, Exorcism and Love. Increases Mental Powers.
– Rye: For Love and Fidelity.
– Saffron:
Love, Healing, Strength, Happiness, Lust and Wind Raising. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Sage: Excellent for Immortality, Longevity, Increasing Wisdom, Protection, and Wishes. A Great Shamanic Herb.
– Sagebrush: For Purification and Exorcism.
– St. John’s Wort: Excellent for Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, and Happiness.
– Sandalwood: For Protection, Healing, Exorcism, and Spirituality.
– Sarsaparilla: For Love and Money.
– Sassafras: For Health and Money.
– Savory/Summer: Increases Mental Powers.
– Scullcap: Works Well for Love, Fidelity and Peace.
– Senna: For Love Magick.
– Sesame: For Money and Lust.
– Shallot: For Purification.
– Skunk Cabbage: For Use in Legal Matters.
– Slippery Elm: Halts Gossip.
– Sloe: For Protection and Exorcism.
– Snakeroot: For Luck and Money.
– Snakeroot/Black: Love, Lust and Money.
– Snapdragon: For Protection.
– Solomon’s Seal: For Protection and Exorcism. Can be Placed in the 4 Corners of your House for Protection.
– Sorrel Wood: For Healing and Health.
– Southern Wood: For Workings in Love, Lust and Protection.
– Spanish Moss: For Protection.
– Spearmint: For Healing and Love. Increases Mental Powers.
– Spider Wort: For Love Spells.
– Spikenard: For Love.
– Squill: For Money and Protection Breaking.
– Star Anise: Excellent Herb for Luck. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Stillengia: Increases Psychic Powers.
– Straw: For Luck and Image Magick.
– Strawberry Leaf: Carry for Luck and Love.
– Sugar Cane: For Love and Lust.
– Sumbul: For use in Luck, Love and Health. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Sunflower Petals: For Fertility, Wishes, Health, and Wisdom. Fantastic for Adding Energy and Power to almost anything. The Sunflower is a Great Representation/Harnesser of the Sun’s Natural Power and can be Easily Used.
– Sweetgrass: For Calling Spirits.
– Sweetpea: For Friendship, Chastity, Courage and Strength.
– Tamarind: For Love.
– Tamarisk: For Protection and Exorcism.
– Tansy: For Health and Longevity.
– Tea: Riches, Courage and Strength.
– Thistle: For Strength, Protection, Healing and Hex-Breaking.
– Thistle/Holy: For Purification and Hex-Breaking.
– Thistle/Milk: For Snake Enraging.
– Thyme: Health, Healing, Love, Purification, and Courage. Induces Sleep. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Ti: Protection and Healing.
– Toadflax: Protection,Hex Breaking.
– Toadstool: For Rain Making.
– Tobacco: For Healing and Purification.
– Turmeric: For Purification.
– Uva Ursa: Psychic Workings
– Valerian: For Love, Sleep, Purification and Protection.
– Vanilla Beans: Excellent for Love and Lust. Increases Mental Powers. When Carried, can Improve Energy Levels and Thought Processes.
– Venus Flytrap: For Protection and Love.
– Vetch/Giant: Fidelity
– Vervain: Love, Healing, Protection, Peace, Purification, Chastity, Youth, Money and Sleep.
– Vetivert: For Love, Luck, Money, Hex-Breaking and Protection against Theft.
– Violet Leaf: For Protection, Peace, Healing, Luck, Love, Lust and Wishes. Great for Contacting Animal Guides.
– Wahoo: Hex-breaking, Courage, Success.
– Walnut: For Health, Infertility and Wishes. Increases Mental Powers.
– Wax Plant: For Protection.
– Wheat: Fertility and Money.
– White Sage: Also Called GrandFather Sage. A fantastic Herb for Purification, Cleansing, and Protection. (Some Native American Smoking Blends include this Herb).
– White Willow Bark: For Love, Protection, Healing and Love Divination.
– Wild Cherry Bark: For Protection and Love Divinations.
– Wild Lettuce: For Love Divination, Protection, Chastity, and Sleep. (Many Native American Smoking Blends call for this Herb).
– Wintergreen: For Protection, Healing and Hex-Breaking. Place in a Child’s Pillows to Protect them and Bring them Good Fortune throughout their Lives.
– Winter’s Bark: For Success.
– Witch Grass: For Happiness, Lust, Love and Exorcism.
– Witch Hazel Leaf or Bark: For Protection, Healing and Chastity.
– Wolf’s Bane: For Protection and Invisibility.
– Wood Betony: Good for Protection, Purification and Love.
– Wood Rose: For Luck.
– Woodruff: For Victory, Protection, and Money.
– Wormwood: Excellent for Protection, Love and Calling Spirits. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Yarrow Flowers: Great for Courage, Love and Exorcism. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Yellow Evening Primrose: For Hunting.
– Yerba Mate: For Fidelity, Love and Lust.
– Yerba Santa: For Beauty, Healing and Protection Spells. Increases Psychic Powers.
– Yew: For Raising the Dead.
– Yohimbe: Love and Lust
– Yucca: For Transmutation, Protection, and Purification.

10 Handy Herbs

  • St.John’s-wort
    • Many clinical trials show that St.-John’s-wort — also called hypericin or hypericum — is successful at treating mild depression. American consumers have been slow to appreciate the benefits of St.-John’s-wort; but in Germany, this concentrated extract of flowers and leaves is the most popular
      prescription drug for treating depression (far outselling Prozac, in fact). It’s also being tested as a possible AIDS treatment, and has long been used as a wound ointment.
  • Aloe
    • Most people are familiar with aloe’s burn-soothing qualities, but did you know that aloe gel also fights infection? Keep it on your windowsill in the kitchen; when topically applied, its gel forms a natural cooling bandage over wounds, burns, sunburn and cuts.
  • Goldenseal
    • This herb’s effectiveness in treating sore throats, indigestion, tired eyes and microbial diarrhea is somewhat disputed. Still, anecdotal evidence points to its benefits as a digestive tonic and mild topical anesthetic.
  • Chamomile
    • Chamomile has been called the Swiss Army knife of herbal teas; it handles everything from inflammation and skin irritation to cold symptoms, nervousness and menstrual cramps. You are probably already familiar with its pleasant aroma — thus explaining its presence in many shampoos — but you should also get to know it as a calming tonic.
  • Ginseng
    • The term “ginseng” actually refers to three distinct species of the plant: the Asian, American and Siberian varieties. All three are traditionally used as tonics, and relieve stress, improve stamina, regulate blood pressure and enhance immunity to varying degrees. Buyer’s note: Check your purchase carefully; studies have shown that as many as 25% of all so-called ginseng products contain no ginseng at all!
  • Balm
    • Stomach comforter, blues banisher, herpes fighter, even bug repellent: The reputed uses of balm are so varied that it’s no wonder this lemon-scented herb has been nicknamed “cure-all.”
  • Peppermint
    • There’s a reason why restaurants slip their patrons a mint after a spicy meal. Peppermint, a hybrid of other mint species, eases intestinal gas, relieves indigestion and eases diarrhea. One of its active ingredients -menthol — also helps soothe sore muscles and cool inflammation.
  • Rosemary
    • The oil of this pine-scented herb is a powerful antioxidant (it protects fats from being attacked by oxygen). And because oxygen damage is known to be a factor in cancer onset, it may have the potential for preventing certain cancers. Also soothes menstrual cramps and digestive problems.
  • Saw Palmetto
    • This inscrutable palm seems to counteract the effects of androgens, which are male sex hormones that may cause prostate enlargement. Consequently, saw palmetto has been embraced by the medical community as an accompaniment to prescription drugs and surgery for prostate problems.
  • Tarragon
    • Tarragon contains no fewer than 72 anti-cancer agents. It also has anti-viral properties that fight herpes pain and flu symptoms.
Herbal Remedies

  • Acne: A infusion (boil water and then pour over herbs.  Let herbs steep for 15 minutes) of chamomile, Yarrow or Lavender can be applied to face using a cotton ball.  Use Aloe Vera daily to treat acne.
  • Arthritis:  Aloe Vera gel or the sap from the plant rubbed directly on inflamed joints can relieve pain.  Other anti-inflammatory herbs are:  Chamomile, Feverfew, Aloe Vera, Willow & Primula.
  • Asthma:  A Thyme infusion can help with Asthma.
  • Blood Pressure:  Rosemary can be used as a tea or in the bath.  If you have LOW BLOOD PRESSURE, consult your physician or herbalist.
  • Colds:  Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Elderflower, Peppermint, Catmint, Yarrow & Ginger are all good in the treatment of colds.  If you have a thyroid problem be careful using Lemon Balm as it speeds up your metabolism.
  • Cough Relief – Try Thyme.  Make it into a tea.  It has a natural antibacterial agent and expectorant.
  • Cramps:  Tea made from Cramp Bark can be helpful.
  • Diarrhea:  Meadowsweet, Thyme, Sage, Raspberry or Strawberry Leaf can all be useful in a tea.
  • Dressing for cuts and wounds – use Honey.  It has been used since ancient times and is an established antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
  • Earache:  Warm Chamomile tea is a traditional wash used in earaches.
  • Eyes:  Eyebright, Marigold or Chickweed can be used as a infusion, cooled and soaked in a cloth and finally placed on the closed eyes for 10 minutes.  Marigold helps a lot with eye strain.
  • Headache:  Migraines- use infusion of Feverfew or Lemon Balm.
  • Indigestion and Gas – try Fennel Seeds.  They relax the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract.
  • Insect Bites & Stings:  Rub crushed Marigold Flowers, Plantain Leaves or Pennyroyal Leaves on infected area.  Aloe Vera can be used as an insect repellant.
  • Insomnia:  Hops are great under your pillow to help induce sleep.
  • Menopause:  Tea of Sage will help reduce hot flashes.
  • Mosquito repellant – Catnip
  • Pain Relief:  Meadowsweet can be used as a infusion.  Also Meadowsweet or Willow Bark can be used as a compress.
  • Stress:  Valerian, Skullcap, Chamomile, Evening Primrose, Ginseng or Hops can be made into a infusion and taken as a tea.
  • Sunburn Relief or Indigestion – try eating a banana.  Potassium is a natural antacid.
  • Urinary Tract Infection – Drink Cranberry juice.
  • Yeast Infection – Eat yogurt.

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Norse gods and goddesses of mythology

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A list of possible gods and goddesses in mythology.  By no means a complete listing, but a start.  There is basic information on what the name is and what the god or goddess represented, most are norse and celtic in nature.

Aesir Race of warlike gods, including Odin, Thor, Tyr
Alcis Twin gods of the sky
Balder Son of Odin and favorite of the gods
Bor Father of Odin
Bragi God of poetry
Eir Goddess of medicine
Fafnir Dragon god
Fjorgynn Mother of Thor
Freya Goddess of love and fertility
Frey God of fertility, sun, and rain
Frigg Goddess of married love; wife of Odin
Gefion Goddess who received virgins after death
Heimdall Warden of the gods
Hel Goddess of death; Queen of Niflheim, the land of the mists
Hermod Son of Odin
Hoenir Companion to Odin and Loki
Hoder Blind god who killed Balder
Idunn Guardian goddess of the golden apples of youth; wife of Bragi
Kvasir God of wise utterances
Logi Fire god
Loki God of mischief
Mimir God of wisdom
Nanna Goddess wife of Balder
Nehallenia Goddess of plenty
Nerthus Goddess of earth
Njord God of ships and the sea
Norns Goddesses of destiny
Odin (Woden,
Chief of the Aesir family of gods, the ‘father’ god; the god of war, learning, and poetry
Otr Otter god
Ran Goddess of the sea
Sif Goddess wife of Thor
Sigyn Goddess wife of Loki
Thor (Donar) God of thunder and sky; good crops
Tyr God of battle, victory
Ull God of the hunt
Valkyries Females helpers of the gods of war
Vanir Race of benevolent gods, including Njord, Frey, Freya
Vidar Slayer of the wolf, Fenvir
Vor Goddess of truth
Welan Craftsman god

Irish gods and goddesses of mythology

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brigit pendant

Aine – (AN-yuh) Ireland; a woman of the Leanan Sidhe (Sweetheart of the Sidhe). Some said she was the daughter of Manannan, some said she was the Morrigan herself. There was a stone, Cathair Aine, belonging to her and if anyone sat on the stone, they would be in danger of losing their wits, sit three times and they would lose them forever. Aine was very revengeful, and it was not a safe thing to offend her.

Aine of Knockaine – (AN-yuh of knock-AN-yuh) Ireland; moon goddess and patroness of crops and cattle; associated with the Summer Solstice. Also Aine Cliach, and Cnoc Aine.  Aine started out as a Sun goddess, and as she matured, also became a Moon goddess

Amatheon – Welsh magician, son of Don, who taught his craft to his brother Gwyddion. His theft of a dog and a roebuck from Annwn (the Welsh Otherworld) caused Cad Goddess (The Battle of the Trees).

Angus Mac Og – Ireland; god of youth, love, and beauty. One of the Tuatha De Danann, name means “young son.” He had a harp that made irresistible music, and his kisses turned into birds that carried messages of love. His brugh, underground fairy palace, was on the banks of the Boyne River. Variants: Angus or Oengus of the Brugh, Angus Mac Oc.

Anu – Ireland; goddess of plenty and Mother Earth. Greatest of all Irish goddesses, deity of cattle, health, fertility, prosperity, and comfort.

Aoibhell – (Evill) Ireland; another woman of the Sidhe, she made her dwelling in Craig Liath. Legend has it that she gave a golden harp to Meardha, Murchadh’s son, when he was getting his schooling at the Sidhe in Connacht and learned of his father’s death. Whoever heard the playing of the harp would not live long afterward. It was this harp that Cuchulain heard the time his enemies were gathering against him at Muirthemne, and he knew by the sound that his life was near its end.

Arawn – Wales; god of the dead and the underworld Annwn. Only until Christian conversion, the Welsh didn’t look on the underworld as hell. God of revenge, terror, and the dead.

Arianrhod – Wales; goddess of beauty, fertility, and reincarnation. Known as Silver Wheel and the High Fruitful Mother, the palace of this sky goddess was Caer Arianrhold (Aurora Borealis). Keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma. Her ship, Oar Wheel, carried dead warriors to Emania (Moon-land).

Badb – A daughter of Ernmas, she is called ‘the one who boils’, as in boiling the Otherworld cauldron of death and rebirth which she is thought by many to preside over, deciding the fate of those who have passed over into its great cosmic mix. In Celtic eschatology (end of world beliefs), it is Badb who will cause the end of earthly time by causing the great cauldron to boil over, engulfing the planet in a great wasteland. Badb prophesied the downfall of the deities (the Tuatha) to the humans (the Milesians) and many believe she also prophesied the Great Famine of 1845-1849.

Banba – Ireland; one of a triad of goddesses that included Fotia and Eriu.

Barinthus – (Welsh, Anglo-Celtic) A charioteer to the residents of the Otherworld who was once probably a sea or sun God. He is mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Vita Merlini

Bel – Ireland, Wales; god of cattle, crops, fertility, fire, healing, hot springs, prosperity, purification, science, success. A sun and fire god closely connected with the Druids and the festival of Beltaine (May 1). Variants: Belenus, Belinos, Beli Mawr (Wales).

Belatucadros – (British) Celtic War God. According to some authors he is the horned god of the North equating to Cernunnos. The Romans syncretized him with the god Mars. Britain) God of war and of the destruction. His name means “fair shining one”. The Romans equated him with their god Mars.

Beli – (Welsh) The primary Welsh father God, husband of Don, and father of Arianrhod. Also a minor sun God who some feel is the Welsh equivalent of Balor. Other scholars cite his name as being the origin of the name for the Beltaine Sabbat, though most of his associations are now deeply linked with Samhain. Now Beli’s principal role is that of the God of death and king of the Underworld. He is also linked to several of the legends concerning the sacred Pagan site of Glastonbury Tor where balefires were lit on Beltaine and Samhain up until the Commonwealth period (1640-1660). Some legends say that this site is the home of the death God Gwyn Ap Nuad, and that Beli purifies this site with his fires each Sabbat.

Also: Belenus (continental-European); Belinus, Belanos, Belinos (Anglo-Celtic); Belimawr; Beli (Welsh); Bel, Bile (Scottish); Beltane (Irish); Apollo-Belenus (Romano-Celtic)

Belisama – (Celtic) Goddess of light and fire, the forge and of crafts. She is the wife of the god Belenus (Beli) and the Goddess of the Mersey River.

Bellona – (Scottish) This battlefield Goddess is mentioned in the second scene of Shakespeare’s Mac Beth. Her name is probably a Latinized or corrupted form of Ireland’s Badb, a Goddess with similar properties. In Roman mythology she is a Mother Goddess and Goddess of war. She becomes syncretized with the Cappadocian mother Goddess Ma. The first known temple dedicated to Ma-Bellona by the Romans is dated to 296 BCE. Bellona was attended by Asiatic priests who performed frenzied dances and gashed themselves with swords, offering the blood on the Goddess’s altars. Because of its violent nature, Rome refused to officially recognize the cult until the third century CE.

Bladud – (Welsh, Anglo-Celtic) This ‘flying king’ was probably a regional sun God. He is associated with the sacred English hot spring known as Aquae Sulis, and area occupied heavily by Roman forces which appropriated many of the local deities. He is depicted in a famous stone carving near the spring as a very virile male figure with flaming hair, the radiant features making him unmistakable a sun God.

Blodeuwedd – (blod-oo-eeth) (Welsh) “Flower Face”; “White Flower”. Lily maid of Celtic initiation ceremonies. Also known as the Nine fold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise. Created by Math and Gwydion as a wife for Lleu. She was changed into an owl for her adultery and for plotting Lleu’s death. The Maiden form of the Triple Goddess; her symbol was the owl; goddess of the Earth in bloom. Flowers, wisdom, lunar mysteries, initiations. Blodeuwedd was created from the flowers of oak, broom, and meadowsweet by Gwyddion and Math as a wife for Gwyddion’s nephew Llew. This arose because Llew had been cursed by his mother, Arianrhod, that he would never win a bride of his own people. While Llew was away one day Blodeuwedd saw Gronw hunting in the woods and the two fell madly in love at first sight. She and Gronw made plans to kill Llew, but because he was no mere mortal, Gronw asked his lover to discover for him the secret of his death.

Blodeuwedd coaxed the information out of Llew, and not only passed the information along to Gronw, but tricked Llew into being at the right place at the right time. At the moment of his death, Llew turned into an eagle and flew away. Gwyddion sought out Blodeuwedd to seek revenge, and for her punishment decided he would turn her into a bird, on which only lived by night, a carnivore whom other birds shunned and feared. Thus she became an owl.  She can be viewed as a May Queen, bound in sacred marriage to sacrificial king who must eventually be sacrificed to her and through her to his people.

Boann – Ireland; goddess of the River Byone and mother of Angus Mac Og by the Dagda. She held the powers of healing. Variants: Boannan, Boyne.

Borvo – (Breton) God of healing. Borvo’s name means ‘to boil’ (similar to Goddess Badb), and he was a God of the hot springs. He replaced his mother, Sirona, in this function when her story was patriarchized. The spring he ruled had tremendous healing powers.

Bran the Blessed – (Welsh, Pan-Celtic) Also Bran MacFebal. His name means ‘crow’, or ‘Raven’. The brother of the mighty Manawydan ap Llyr (Ireland, Mannanan mac Lir) and Branwen; son of Llyr, and in Welsh sagas he is also the son of the Goddess Iweridd. Associated with ravens, he is the God of prophecy, the arts, leader, war, the Sun, music, writing. A master of the Isle of Britain, he is a cauldron-God, associated with a cauldron of regeneration which would revive the slain while leaving them voiceless. The giant of a man set out with an army to avenge the ill-treatment of his sister Branwen by her husband, King Matholwch of Ireland who blamed her for an insult they endured at their wedding. Nothing would stop his army’s progress, and he once laid down across the Shannon river so his forces could use him as a bridge to walk across. In the Battle of the Trees, he could not be defeated unless someone could guess his name (a common mythological ploy in western Europe) and Gwyddion was able to do this.

His forces won the battle, but he was fatally wounded by taking a poisoned arrow in the foot. His cauldron destroyed, and he mortally wounded in a war to rescue his sister Branwen, he instructed his adherents to decapitate him and, after many travels, bear the head to London and bury it, where it would become a defense and a protection to the whole Isle. His grieving troops took his head to their stronghold at Harlech for a period of seven years where it talked and offered warnings and divinations. It then sat eighty-seven years at Gwales (a place unknown today), then it was taken to London where it was set facing France so that is could warn of invasion.

Branwen – (Manx, Welsh, Pan-Celtic) Sister of Bran the Blesses and wife of the Irish king Mathowch. Venus of the Northern Seas; one of the three matriarchs of Britain; Lady of the Lake (cauldron); Goddess of Love and Beauty. Welsh love goddess. In the Mabinogion, She is a central figure in being wed to the High King of Ireland and thereby encompassing the doom of both the Irish and Britons, when her brother Bran invades Ireland to rescue her from the degradation she experiences at the hands of a vengeful Court. A daughter of Manannan and Iweridd whose name means “fair bosom”. She is often equated with the Greek Aphrodite and is a Goddess of love, sexuality, and of the sea. She was married to Mathowch, a king of Ireland who fought a battle with Bran after a wedding feast insult. Her son Gwern was put in his place but immediately killed. She died of a broken heart during the war between Wales and England, which began with an insult at her wedding feast, which she believed was her fault. It had, in fact, been the deliberate act of Evnissyn, a jealous courtier who thrived on malicious mischief.

Brid – (Pan-Celtic) [breet or breed] Also Brigit, Brigid, Bride, Brighid, Bridget, Brigindo, and Banfile. Her name comes from the old Irish word brigh, meaning “Power”; “Renown”; “Fiery Arrow or Power” (Breo-saighead). Daughter of The Dagda and one of the Great mother Goddess of Ireland. At one time in History most of Ireland was united in praise and worship of her. She probably was one and the same with Dana, the first great mother Goddess of the Irish. Called the poetess, often called the Triple Brigids, Three Blessed Ladies of Britain, The Three Mothers. Another aspect of Danu; associated with Imbolc. She had an exclusive female priesthood at Kildare and an ever-burning sacred fire. The number of her priestesses was nineteen, representing the nineteen-year cycle of the “Celtic Great Year”. Her kelles were sacred prostitutes and her soldiers brigands. Goddess of fire, fertility, the hearth, all feminine arts and crafts, and martial arts. Healing, physicians, agriculture, inspiration, learning, poetry, divination, prophecy, smith craft, animal husbandry, love, witchcraft, occult knowledge. A major Celtic pastoral deity, described as a “wise woman. Brid became “Christianized” as St. Brigit of Kildare, who is said to have lived from 450-523 AD and founded the first female Christian monastery community in Ireland.

In reality her shrine at Kildare was desecrated and adopted as a holy site by Christian missionaries who turned her into their Saint Brigit in an attempt to Christianize her pagan followers. She was originally celebrated on February 1 in the festival of Imbolc, which coincided with the beginning of lactation in ewes and was regarded in Scotland as the date on which Brigit deposed the blue-faced hag of winter (see Cailleach Bheur). The Christian calendar adopted the same date for the Feast of St. Brigit. There is no record that a Christian saint ever actually existed, but in Irish mythology she became the midwife to the Virgin Mary. The name can be traced into many Irish and European place names. It is also akin to Brahati which means “exalted one” in Sanskrit. In pre-Roman Britain, she was the tutelary Goddess of the Brigantes tribe, and like so many Celtic Goddesses, she has some reverend associations. Brid represents the supernal mother, fertility, and creative inspiration. She has also been worshipped as a warrioress and protectress, a healer, a guardian of children, a slayer of serpents, a sovereign, and a Goddess of fire and the sun. Still other sources say she was the Goddess of agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine, crafting and music.

Brigit – Ireland; goddess of agriculture, fire, healing, inspiration, learning divination, occult knowledge, poetry, prophecy, smithcraft. Her Gaelic name of Breo-saighead means “fiery arrow” or “fiery power.” Celts often referred to her as being three in one – the Triple Brigits or the Three Mothers. An ever-burning fire was kept in her honor by her nineteen priestesses who lived in a sacred temple at Kildare. She was also a daughter of the Dagda. Variants: Brid, Brig, Brigid, Brighid.

Brigatia – (British, Anglo-Celtic) “High One”; pastoral and river goddess. Associated with Imbolc. Flocks, cattle, water, fertility; healing; victory. Tutelary Goddess of the Brigantes of West Riding of Yorkshire. She became identified with Caelestis, at Corbridge Northumberland, there is an altar inscribed to various deities, including Caelestic Brigantia. In carved stone relief at Birrens, on the Antonine Wall in Scotland, she is depicted with the attributes of Minerva. She may also bear links with the Goddess Brigit. She is frequently associated with water and herding. She is the Goddess whose face and sovereignty are the source of the appellation Britannia for Great Britain. As a Goddess of sovereignty, she is usually thought of as the Brid of England. In 1667 Charles I had her face placed on the coinage where it remains today, reviving an old custom, first instituted by the invading Romans who adopted her as their own.

Britannia – (Romano-Celtic British) Tutelary Goddess. The genia loci of Britain who first appears on the coinage of Antoninius Pius in the 2nd century AD. She became the symbol of the British Empire after being partly syncretized with the war goddess Minerva.

Caer Ibormeith – Ireland; goddess of sleep and dreams; and perhaps a less violent version of Mare; daughter of Ethal Anubail, a faery king of Connacht. She often took the form of a swan who lived on a lake called Dragon’s Mouth, and wore a copious golden chain with 130 golden balls on a silver chain about her slender neck. She was loved by Aengus MacOg, god of young love. When he awakened from a dream of her he sought her out. After he found her, he too became a swan, and the two of them flew and sang the sweetest, most restful music ever heard upon this earth. Together they flew away to Bruigh na Boinne, his megalithic site north of Tara, where they sang so wonderfully that the whole of Ireland fell into a peaceful sleep for three days and three nights.

Caillech – Ireland, Scotland; goddess of disease and plague. A Destroyer, or Crone, goddess, she was also called “Veiled One.” As the Crone, she ruled with the Maiden and the Mother. Dogs guarded the gates of her afterworld realm where she received the dead. Celtic myth has her gatekeeper dog named Dormarth “Death’s Door.” Irish bards who could curse with satire were often called cainte “dog.”

Cernunnos – all Celtic areas in some form; god of animals, commerce, crossroads, fertility, reincarnation, virility, warriors, woodlands. Druids knew him as Hu Gadarn, the Honored God. Ancient Celtic images show him seated in a lotus position, naked, with antlers or horns on his head. Animals that were sacred to him: bull, ran, stag, and horned serpents. Variants: Cerowain, Cernenus, Herne the Hunter.

Cerridwen – Welsh; goddess of death, initiation, inspiration, magic, regeneration. Known as a moon goddess, Great Mother, and grain deity; wife of the giant Tegrid. She brewed a magical potion of wisdom in her cauldron, and forced the young Taliesin to stir it for a year and a day. When he accidentally swallowed the last three drops, he was transformed into a bard. Welsh bards once called themselves Cerddorion “sons of Cerridwen,” meaning they received their initiation from Cerridwen herself. Variants: Caridwen, Ceridwen.

Creiddylad – Wales; goddess of flowers, love. A daughter of the sea god Lir, connected with the festival of Beltaine and called the May Queen. Variants: Creudylad, Cordelia.

The Dagda – Ireland; god of the arts, knowledge, magic, music, prophecy, prosperity, regeneration. Known as the “Good God” and “Lord of the Heavens,” he was one of the high kings of the Tuatha De Danann and had four great palaces under hollow hills. Of his children, the most important are Brigit, Angus, Midir, Ogma and Bodb the Red. His magical cauldron had an inexhaustible supply of food and his oak harp made the seasons change.

Diancecht – Ireland; god of healing, magic, medicine, regeneration. Physician-magician of the Tuatha De Danann; his sons were Miach, Cian, Cethe, and Cu, his daughter Airmed was also a great physician. Variant: Dian Cecht.

Danu – Ireland; Mother of the Gods, she was goddess of rivers and wells, magic, plenty, wisdom. Possible aspect of Anu; ancestress of the Tuatha De Danann. Variant: Dana.

Don – Ireland, Wales; in Ireland, goddess who ruled over the Land of the Dead. In Wales, goddess of sea and air. For both, generally a goddess of the elements, communicating with the dead.

Donn – Wales; the sea goddess.

Druantia – several Celtic areas; goddess known as Queen of the Druids and Mother of the tree calendar.

Dylan – Wales; sea deity and the some of Gwydion and Arianrhod, this god was called Son of the Waves, and a silver fish was his symbol.

Eadon – Ireland; nurse of poets

Eiru – Ireland; daughter of the Dagda, her alternate name, Erin, was given to Ireland.

Elaine – Wales, Britain; a Maiden aspect of the Goddess, she was later transformed in the Arthurian sagas.

Epona – Britain, continental Gaul; goddess of horsebreeding, healing spring, prosperity. Called Divine Horse and the Great Mare, the goddess of horses was acknowledged and worshipped by Roman soldiers. Her symbols were horses and dogs.

Flidais – Ireland; goddess of forests, wild creatures. A shapeshifting goddess who rode in a deer-drawn chariot.

Goibniu – Ireland, Wales; god of blacksmiths, weapon-makers, brewing. One of a triad of Tuatha De Danann craftsmen, he was called the Great Smith. Weapons that he forged always hit their mark and made fatal wounds. The other two craftsmen were Luchtain the wright, and Creidne the brazier.

Gwethyr – Wales; King of the Upper world, this god was the opposite of Gwynn ap Nudd.

Gwydion – Wales; god of enchantment, illusion, magic. A son of Donn, the sea goddess, and brother to Govannon, Arianrhod, and Amaethon (god of agriculture). Known as a great wizard and bard in northern Wales. He was many skilled, like the Irish god Lugh, he was a shapeshifter whose symbol was a white horse.

Gwynn ap Nudd – Wales; first known as King of the Fairies and Lord of the Underworld, this god later ruled over the Plant Annwn, subterranean fairies.

Llew Llaw Gyffes – Wales; son of Arianrhod and raised by his uncle Gwydion. A curse prohibited him from having and earthly wife, so his uncles made him one out of flowers and named her Blodeuwedd. She and her lover, Gronw Pebr, plotted Llew’s death, but because of Llew’s divine origins, the death simply became an annual duel between the two men. His symbol is a white stag, and is celebrated on August 1, the Celtic ceremony of Lunasa.

Llud Llaw Ereint – Wales; God of harpers, healing, poets, smiths, sorcerers, and waters.

Llyr – Ireland, Wales; god of sea and water, may have also ruled the underworld. The father of Manawydan, Bran the Blessed, and Branwen.

Lugh – (Loo) Ireland, Wales; a sun god of all crafts and arts, healing, journeys, prophecy. Son of Cian, a Tuatha De Danann. Of legend, his skills were without end; in Ireland he was associated with ravens; and a white stag as his symbol in Wales. He had a magic spear and otherworldly hounds. His festival was Lughnassadh, or Lunasa – August 1. Variants: Llew, Lug, Lugus, Lugh Lamhfada (of the long arm), Lug Samildananch (much skilled).

Macha – Ireland; goddess of cunning, death, sheer physical force, war; protectoress in both battle and peace. Known as Crow, Queen of Phantoms, and the Mother of Life and Death, she was honored at Lunasa. Variants: Mania, Mana, Mene, Minne.

Manannan Mac Lir – (May-nah-naun) Ireland, Wales; a shapeshifting god of the sea, magic, navigators, commerce, storms, rebirth, weather. The chief Irish sea god whose special retreat was the Isle of Man. In Wales his name was Manawydan ap Llyr. He had several magical weapons and a suit of armor that made him invisible; and his swine kept the Tuatha De Danann from aging.

Margawse – Wales, Britain; originally a Mother Goddess, she was transformed in the later Arthurian sagas.

Math Mathonwy – Wales; legend has him as a king who was also a god of enchantment and magic.

Merlin – Wales, Britain; god of all forms of magic and prophecy, healing, illusion, the arts. Originally an ancient Welsh Druid, priest of the fair religion, and great magician. He was transformed in the later Arthurian sagas. Tradition says he learned his powerful magic from the Goddess in her forms of Morgan, Viviane, Nimue, and Lady of the Lake. Legend says he now lies sleeping in a hidden crystal cave. Variants: Merddin, Myrddin.

Morrigan – Ireland, Wales, Britain; a shapeshifting war goddess of lust, magic, prophecy, revenge, war. Known as Great Queen, Supreme War Goddess, Queen of Phantoms, and Specter Queen, she kept company with Fea (hateful), Badb (fury), and Macha (battle). Variants: Morrigu, Morrighan, Morgan.

Neit – Ireland; god of battle.

Niamh – (Nee-av) Ireland; possible form of Badb, this goddess was called Beauty and Brightness and helped heroes at death.

Nuada – (Noo-ada) Ireland, Wales; god of harpers, healing, historians, magic, poets, warfare, writing. King of the Tuatha De Danann at one time, he had to step down when he lost his hand in battle; it was replaced by a silver one. Variants: Lud, Lludd, Llaw, Ereint, Nudd, Nodens.

Ogma – God of eloquence, inspiration, language, magic, music, physical strength, poets, writers. Invented the Ogam script alphabet and carried a huge club similar to Hercules’. Variants: Oghma, Ogmios, Grianainech (sun face), Cermait (honey-mouthed).

Pwyll – Wales; god of cunning, virture. Called Pwyll pen Annwn (Pwyll, head of Annwn) because he replaced Gwynn ap Nudd as ruler of the underworld at one time.

Scathach – (Scau-ahch) Ireland, Scotland; goddess of healing, magic, martial arts, prophecy. Called the Shadowy One, She Who Strikes Fear, and the Dark Goddess, she was a warrior woman and prophetess who lived in Albion, possibly on the Isle of Skye, and taught martial arts. Variants: Scota, Scatha, Scath.

Taliesin – Wales; god of magic, music, poetry, wisdom, writing. Known as Prince of Song, Chief of the Bards of the West, and Patron of Druids, he was a great magician, bard, and shapeshifter who gained his knowledge from the goddess Cerridwen directly.

White Lady – all Celtic countries; goddess of death and destruction. Called the Dryad of Death and Queen of the Dead, this goddess was a Crone aspect of the Goddess.

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Fairy Garden Magic

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Visit our Fairy Jewelry page or order a grand Fairy house for your yard.

  • Fairy Garden Plants:
    • Agapanthus “Tinkerbell” 6″-wide heads of blue flowers, green-and-white leaves, perennial; Zones 7 to 10
    • Astilbe Simplicifolia “Sprite” plumes of shell pink flowers on 18″ stems; ferny leaves; perennial; Zones 4 to 8
    • Fairy Thimble (Campanula cochlearifolia ‘Bavarian Blue’) wiry stems bear blue bells; 10″ tall; perennial; Zones 6 to 9
    • Erigeron speciosus “Azure Fairy” daisylike blue flower on 18″ stems; perennial; Zones 2 to 9
    • Geranium “Fairy Magic” 1/2″-wide hot magenta flowers on sprawling 8″-tall plants; long-blooming perennial; Zones 3 to 8
    • Gomphrena Gnome Mix small, round heads of pink, purple, or white flowers on low-growing plants; summer annual
    • Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata “Bristol Fairy”) airy clusters of tiny white flowers; 3″ tall; perennial; Zones 5 to 9
    • Lavendula angustifolia  “Pink Fairy” spikes of tiny light pink flowers rise above 18″ plants; woody perennial; Zones 5 to 9
    • Heuchera “Petite Pearl Fairy” spikes of ivory flowers rise above 6″-tall bronze leaves; perennial; Zones 3 to 9
    • Phygelius x rectus “Pink Elf” loose spikes of tubular pink flowers on 3″ plants; woody perennial; Zones 6 to 10
    • Fairy primrose (Primula malacoides) whorls of small pink, white or lavender flowers in tiers above low rosettes of leaves; pot plant or winter annual; Zones 8 to 10

Tips N Hints from around the World

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  • Always plant Rosemary at your Garden Gate for good luck – “from the movie Practical Magic”

  • Say a daily prayer and thank the Goddess, God or whatever Supreme Being you believe in!  Start your day with kind thoughts and they will come back to you Three-Fold.

  • Remember to always laugh, even at yourself.

  • Clean your toilet:  Drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets in, wait 20 minutes, scrub and flush.  from a creativity circle eMail- Linda/Tennessee

  • Clean a Thermos Bottle or Juice Pitcher:   Fill with H20 and drop in four Alka-Seltzer tablets.  Let it soak for min. 1 hour.  Rinse.   from a creativity circle eMail- Linda/Tennessee

  • Make your Hair Shine:  Add 1/4 cup vodka to 1/4 cup shampoo.  Wash hair as usual.   To bring out blond highlights, use 1/2 cup water and 1/4 cup lemon juice as a final rinse.  For dark hair use 1/2 vinegar as a final rinse.

  • Perfect Proportions:  Three ounces of meat or fish is roughly equal to the size of your palm.  Medium-sized fruit is the size of your fist.  1/2 cup of rice is the size on my hand-fingers closed.

  • Stop Tears fast:  if you don’t want to cry, as soon as you feel the tears swelling, look up.  This temporarily quells the tears.

  • Fragrant Sleep:  Sprinkle baby powder on your mattress and pillows.  Rub in well.

  • Swimsuit Fading: To help cut down on fading of your new swimsuit, fill a small sink of water and add 2 cupfuls of white vinegar and then soak the suit for 20 minutes, rinse well. after wearing wash suit in shampoo for oily hair, rinse well and dry flat in the shade!  submitted by Renee.

  • Glow N Tint – table centerpiece: Springtime centerpiece:  Fill a glass bowl with colored water (use food coloring), Rest a pillar candle in the center and add some flowers floating on the colored water.

  • Aromatic Table Trim:  Find a cute watering can (metal is best).  Place a fragrant candle inside the watering can.  Add some fresh flowers:  Roses, grape hyacinths, daffodils.

  • Keep Candles Steady:  Rub the bottom of a taper candle with a glue stick.  This will hold the candle in place.

  • Smooth Away Summer Blackheads:  Pulse a handful of Parsley in a blender until it forms a paste.  Boil water and pour into a large bowl.  apply the paste to blackhead prone areas, then hold your face over the bowl.  The Parsley, a natural humectants, and the steam team up to soften skin and loosen any blackheads.

  • Shine Pots and Pans without scrubbing – Aluminum cookware. add 2 to 4 tablespoons of cream of tartar to 1 to 2 quarts of water and boil for 5  to 10 minutes.  Rinse, scour lightly with a steel-wool soap pad and rinse again.