Fairy Garden Magic

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fairy red door

Visit our Fairy Jewelry page or order a grand Fairy house for your yard.

  • Fairy Garden Plants:
    • Agapanthus “Tinkerbell” 6″-wide heads of blue flowers, green-and-white leaves, perennial; Zones 7 to 10
    • Astilbe Simplicifolia “Sprite” plumes of shell pink flowers on 18″ stems; ferny leaves; perennial; Zones 4 to 8
    • Fairy Thimble (Campanula cochlearifolia ‘Bavarian Blue’) wiry stems bear blue bells; 10″ tall; perennial; Zones 6 to 9
    • Erigeron speciosus “Azure Fairy” daisylike blue flower on 18″ stems; perennial; Zones 2 to 9
    • Geranium “Fairy Magic” 1/2″-wide hot magenta flowers on sprawling 8″-tall plants; long-blooming perennial; Zones 3 to 8
    • Gomphrena Gnome Mix small, round heads of pink, purple, or white flowers on low-growing plants; summer annual
    • Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata “Bristol Fairy”) airy clusters of tiny white flowers; 3″ tall; perennial; Zones 5 to 9
    • Lavendula angustifolia  “Pink Fairy” spikes of tiny light pink flowers rise above 18″ plants; woody perennial; Zones 5 to 9
    • Heuchera “Petite Pearl Fairy” spikes of ivory flowers rise above 6″-tall bronze leaves; perennial; Zones 3 to 9
    • Phygelius x rectus “Pink Elf” loose spikes of tubular pink flowers on 3″ plants; woody perennial; Zones 6 to 10
    • Fairy primrose (Primula malacoides) whorls of small pink, white or lavender flowers in tiers above low rosettes of leaves; pot plant or winter annual; Zones 8 to 10

Celtic Attic blog

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Celtic Attic Cookbook

Welcome to the Celtic attic blog… here you will find our current specials, new and featured products, poetry, new book release info and of course my ramblings.  Please read and enjoy the articles from the Celtic Haunted Highway series.  Stay tuned for some more ramblings from my upcoming book, the Celtic Haunted Highway.  There will also be more recipes posted on these pages for your cooking pleasure.

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